I just made a tattoo and hope that someone of you can give me some tips on what i can do better og what i should remove.. 🙂
Well, it basically can’t be done the way you’re designing it… which is why a tattoo artist would take your idea and turn it into a usable tattoo.
This, again, brings to mind this piece of lyric:
He asks for a 13, but they drew a 31
Friends say he’s trying too hard and he’s not quite hip
But in his own mind he’s the, he’s the dopest trick
Pouring out one for my homies, yo.
Love. Peace. Metallica.
it does need to be changed up, I think having the hand wont be a problem and the main writing going across the middle in script will be fine,but the other writing causes problems, if the “Live by the gun, die by the gun” was turned into a more cursive style and maybe have a more curve around the piece that would be helpful,and maybe getting rid of the smaller writing to, unless it’s a must for you, the number can be also moved to the top of the piece about the crossed fingers…just an idea.
im sorry but i hate it dude. Its horrible and to be honest 2pac was a complete bellend who deserved to die. hate these gangster tattoo’s so fucking stupid.
do yourself a favor and don’t get it. i would rather get im gay across my head.
do yourself a favor and don’t get it. i would rather get im gay across my head.
2Pac didn’t deserve to die, he made the best music, he was a great poet and he got many peoples to think different.

that one would be more workable with for sure.
as for the other comments, I don’t think he deserved to die,I also don’t think he made the best music ever, but thats just me i’m not into that style of music,but everyone has there own opinion and if this is something you want then go for it! it’s your skin, so do what you like with it! haha
rap is terrible.
Print it out and bring it to the most gangsterish street shop in your town and let them at it. It’s usually that ghetto fab shop in the hood, where all the thuggish ruggish street guys get their ink from. Not the fancy, art gallery type customs shops in the artsy district or in the hipster part of town.
You know you’re in the right shop when the portfolios consist mostly of crosses, rosaries, praying hands, writing (script names, quotes and bible scriptures), old english, area codes, state outlines and such. Just show them your print-out and they’ll handle the rest.
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