    Tom S

    Do you thing artists are getting their fare share, or is too much going to the now redundant and obsolete record labels?


    Dont know, everyone looses out when you just download the music for free!!


    I think an album is too expensive to buy at £12.00

    I get my music from CDs friends have brought.

    THe actual CD costs about 50p to make!


    erm…the price of the CDs evry1 hopes it will b cheaper but the artiste has put in so much work…so dun waste his efforts.


    well, when an artist reaches number 1, they recieve a lot of money, maybe eve a million so i suspect they get most of that


    I love music and personally I feel that it’s worth paying for music… sure I think it’s expensive but you can get around some of that legally. Buy music (if you’re looking for CD’s) on half.com and you won’t pay nearly as much for it, and it’s not pirating at all.


    it got out of hand in the earliy 90’s….i refuse to buy a CD for $17.00 when it only has 2 or 3 good songs to begin with…..HEY MOVIE AND MUSIC COMPANY….MAKE GOOD PRODUCTS AND PEOPLE WILL BUY IT AGAIN


    It was expensive at $15 or more per album. Now at $1 per song from iTunes and $10 per album, it is a bargain. Now, if the whole album is a little hit and miss, you can just buy the best tracks. It is good for the artist because why bootleg when it is so cheap. It is good for the consumer because it IS so cheap. And it is good for the environment because all the packaging and most of the disks have become virtual instead of real. Less landfill!


    i hate paying 20 bucks a cd…especially when over half of the songs suck on the damn cd! so yes i would say music is expensive…and too much money is going to the record labels for sure…but whatever nothing i can do about it


    well the smart people will only use the major label to distrube the record and thats all and license it from YOUR record label.

    many artists do that now, and as a result you get a far bigger cut of sales..

    the role of labels has changed though. If people want to read a world wide audience and have a following it’s far easier due to the web

    as for paying £12 for an album?!?! thats madness

    use http://www.find-dvd.co.uk (and the music compare bit)

    as for people saying the disc costs 50p to make.. musicians also need to eat and pay bills and remember they do that as a JOB also (studio equipment isn’t cheap).. not everyone is a multi millionare due to music. So if peole DO support an artist and just take their stuff.. thats more ironic..

    I ? You

    Downloading music online is at most $1 something. And CD’s cost about $13, so I say they get their share. If the CD is good, then more people will buy it and then they’ll make more money.


    music isn’t expensive now that everything has been able to go online. Artists are getting jipped, but it doesn’t affect me one bit, I mean I don’t steal albums I buy them from the artists so I am a supporter.

    ? JustAChick ?

    Most CDs are around $15, at least when they first come out and itunes is only $.99 a song, so that’s pretty reasonable. When you have to pay $19.99 for a CD and there are only a few good tracks, that’s frustrating. That’s why I use itunes pretty much exclusively.

    There’s a lot of work that goes into making music; from writing to producing and editing, remixing and making the final product. Thinking about all of that, I don’t think it’s too expensive.

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