
    @Sam-I-Am 140172 wrote:

    I had an iguana tattooed on my leg. It was my second one. Not until I had it redone did my wife admit she didn’t like it originally.

    How many legs does the iguana have?


    @GrayCatLove 140241 wrote:

    How many legs does the iguana have?

    Four. This is the original iguana.

    Redone iguana.

    Anthony told me that if he had done the iguana originally, he would have made it huge. That would be awesome to have my whole leg covered in one huge iguana!


    If you want to nitpick, that one leg seems to be sticking out of the middle of the bird’s stomach, so adding another one without some serious consideration won’t necessarily be any better.

    The entire bird is just strangely proportioned, and twisted, which creates the unfortunate situation that you find yourself in.
    I think I would vote for making the entire thing bigger and adding background to hide or down-play the leg.

    You need to find a proper tattoo artist for the job though, else the laser will become your only option. It’s already on the verge of needing that anyway..


    @ArniVidar 140263 wrote:

    If you want to nitpick, that one leg seems to be sticking out of the middle of the bird’s stomach, so adding another one without some serious consideration won’t necessarily be any better.

    The entire bird is just strangely proportioned, and twisted, which creates the unfortunate situation that you find yourself in.
    I think I would vote for making the entire thing bigger and adding background to hide or down-play the leg.

    You need to find a proper tattoo artist for the job though, else the laser will become your only option. It’s already on the verge of needing that anyway..

    My exact thoughts. The fact that the leg looks to be coming straight out of the stomach while the rest of the tattoo is proportioned in a different manor makes for the second leg to share the same fortune and I don’t necc think that’s a good thing. It can be fixed but it absolutely has to be well thought out as it could be tricky to a different artist to figure out the flow and placement of that leg/piece to begin when it comes to making it seem like it actually belongs.


    @ArniVidar 140263 wrote:

    If you want to nitpick, that one leg seems to be sticking out of the middle of the bird’s stomach, so adding another one without some serious consideration won’t necessarily be any better.

    The entire bird is just strangely proportioned, and twisted, which creates the unfortunate situation that you find yourself in.
    I think I would vote for making the entire thing bigger and adding background to hide or down-play the leg.

    You need to find a proper tattoo artist for the job though, else the laser will become your only option. It’s already on the verge of needing that anyway..

    This. This right here is more or less what I was gonna say, except with less cursing.


    I feel better now.

    Love. Peace. Metallica.


    We are looking at the head in profile, the upper body slightly from the top in 3/4 profile and the tail slightly from the bottom, angled more towards us than the upper body. I’d be confused where to put the legs as well.
    Agreed with those who say concentrating on adding to the design might be better than trying to fix it.

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