
I’ve nearly finished with the flash on my arms (I love old skool/traditional flash)

Today I got a tattoo (about the size of a stretched hand) on the upper arm backside.

It hurt way more than expected, I had to a have a few breaks and I went pale, faint and sweated.

This is unlike me, (I have over 30 designs on me) some bigger than this design.

The tattooist I have now as I have moved country, is 100% great, great work and a pleasure to be with whilst tattood.

I guess my question is, is it a known place for hurting? (as stated – on my upperarm back-side)

Just…its finished, and it looks amazing, but I am booked in to get my other arm done and for the first time in 20 years of being tattoo’d, I am really nervous, I’m usually excited about what I have choosen although I still am, but I felt like I was going to pass-out. The tattooist knew this and we had another break, even though we were 5 minutes from finishing.

One thing to add..I am suffering from a bad back, maybe my body was under too much stress.

I ate breakfast as normal, and I took a drink with me..

Any help is really really appreciated.



Not a dr but did take a look at why we feel pain in tattooing.

Tricep area (back of arm muscle) is actually a very tender section of the body for most.

Also there is a large cluster of pain receptors and neural receptors built into the arms as they carry out some massive functionality for the body.

Pain reception can be increased by a high amount of sodium (salt) in the bloodstream or if a person is suffering from inflammation or a spinal injury that can be felt as shooting pains through the arm and leg muscles. Or causes muscular cramps or spasms.

This can cause dizzy spells, nausea, hyper ventelation and blackouts in some ppl.

Other factors are that if a person is ill they are likely to be more receptive to pain as the body is unable to produce enough endorphins or if another nagging injury the body is already under stress as coping with the separate injury and blood is transferred away to the swelling area and leaves more sodium in the pain receptor hightening the pain in skin surface.

Or your artist could have just been having a heavy handed day.

Main thing is don’t sweat it – some sittings go better than others.

Take Care


Thanks Matthew..that was helpful and means a lot 🙂

Much appreciated. My back has actually eased too..it didn’t help!

My back isn’t an ongoing issue, I just slept funny or something and it happened to be quite in agony on the day of a ‘tender’ area tattoo.

Thank you again.


This was the tattoo..I guess its quite large. Tattooist said earlier that he would do power? lines…or he used a technical term..on the bottle lines after its healed..he says it would benefit.



I have to agree – some days are better than others

I also find that days that I don’t each much hurt more and days in which I drink a lot of coffee before hand I hurt more

I also think that the more tattoos you get the less your body produces endorphins (natural painkillers)


I just had some work done on my upper back arm and it hurt like hell. The pain was super intense, but I did muscle my way through it.



Honestly, I didn’t have a problem with the backs of either of mine – weird huh?

PiscesFish;69030 wrote:
This was the tattoo..I guess its quite large. Tattooist said earlier that he would do power? lines…or he used a technical term..on the bottle lines after its healed..he says it would benefit.


Please tell me that is armpit hair I’m looking at. 😉

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