
So I went to the Dr and said Doc I feel stressed and frankly quite aggressive. I am doing the gym but it just is not enough to curb how I feel.

Why not try some violent video games? Sure! I say.

So I buy myself a couple of games (Killzone 2 and COD4) and venture out into online warfare.

As background the term ‘noob’ is too high a level for me. I suck at online gaming – I am the sort of guy who don’t even bother with a manual just hit buttons until I figure what does what and consider a killstreak of 20 to be awesome. Why because I am lazy and it is a game so just dive in.

The main thing is I know I suck and don’t take the whole thing too seriously if I get killed 200 times in a row play something else for a while.

But this is where it gets scary…

1. There are ppl who have devoted their lives to this shit. I mean no matter what time day or night I go on they seem to be there.

2. I play on EU/USA servers – I speak 2 languages and work with ppl from around the country and world so I am used to different accents.

That said online do ppl actually speak English? I mean in-between the random screaming, masturbatory noises, and what could be swearing I can barely follow what some are saying.

Is there some secret gaming language? Also I struggle with many accents from the USA 1 in 5 words at times. I find this odd because I understand second language Europeans easier. (Yes I know have a funny accent).

I think the classic moment when I asked a guy if he was retarded or just illiterate as he seemed to be unable to actually string a coherent sentence together. He asked me what coherent meant. 😀

3. The level of seriousness that some players take this is the scariest thing of all. I mean never have I met such a large number of budding psychopaths or ego maniacs. Damn if ppl put as much effort into their rl situations as they did games I think that they would become world leaders 😉

I get shot up dozens of times (just get back up and back in there I know I will get lucky) I pop a bullet through your avatar/character (as in it is not real – it is a game) and damn you cry like baby the whole match because ‘I jus fragged your KS an I’m a noobz’. LMAO.

4. Stat fanatics – Do you want to bore ppl to death? Honestly it is the dullest thing listening to ‘but the Meatload Insertor vs3 has a damage of 4.666 compared to the Hand Spank Wipe of 3.777 but Hand Spank reloads 2/5’s of a second quicker. :confused:

Just give me a gun, bare hands, coat hanger, tampon whatever and lets get out there and smack somebody up! 😀 (It is fun and that is the point of the game).

Personally I am thinking of starting a server game that states;

No stat talk – it bores me to death.

No crying about being killed – shit happens.

No rocket touting, extra body armour wearing pussy characters beating on newbies, (hey a rocket one shot=one kill is not exactly skillful you can just walk up and bam) and then bragging about been a ‘beast’ (which in the UK actually means somebody who enjoys anal sex – but hey each to their own).

Also if I have offended any hardcore gamers who don’t like the content – then good cos you need to lighten up :p

Take Care


I’m a bit of a gamer, and this is one of the main reasons i don’t play online very often and when i do i have music playing at the same time to ignore these idiots. It’s incredibly anoying.
The best is when on team matches in games like Killzone 2 and Bioshock 2 people are like “right, you and you stay here and guard this, and me, him and him will go and attack”, lighten up, it’s not even a tournament. However, i am the kind of guy who gets anoyed if i lose by a long way. Like if i die 10 times to 1 kill i usually log off out of frustration. But i think that’s just because i’m a sore loser.

Shame most gamers are like 14.

Hey, if you play KZ2, you got PSN?
I’ll play you some time. Don’t worry, i don’t bother with rocket launchers or any of that, just the standard pistol and machine gun and sometimes medic kit for teh lulz.



Sounds to me like you’ve got a sensible view on it.

But these games seriously, seriously take over lives. The people who you say seem to be on there all the time? They are. My bf used to play an online one on the PC, and it became so time consuming – they met up in teams to do raids and sometimes I’d go round but he had to do a raid or get chucked out, so I’d sit in the corner with a book.

I’m so proud of him for giving it up, and also very grateful as I know he had friends on there. but it’s a been a lot better for him and for me since he did (I didnt ask him to, incidentally, I know he needed to give it up alone)

He still plays computer games and they are amazing stress relief. But somehow when there’s pride and points in it people can get obsessed.


Facebook gamers are as bad. I have a friend who gets up in the middle of the night just so that she can ‘build’ another spaceship, or kick someones a**e. It’s a serious addiction methinks!


Never heard of a Facebook gamer, lol.

I’ve never been THAT obsessed with a game. However Fallout 3 has claimed 75 hours of my life on a single profile alone, so a lot more added together probably.

I’m guessing that was World of Warcraft or something similar?
My brother is exactly the same and it’s in the middle of his A Level exams, which isn’t a good time really.


it 100% depends. I play to win, and wish to kill retarded teamates all the time but with all fo the annoying voices, i have it set up differently.

I dont go online alone just to play because thats boring so most of the time i am in a party where you can only hear my friends, but the game chat comes through the tv, so just in case someone says something important i can hear it. Other than that its 90% screaming and yelling because people act like they have baseball sized tumors in their brains. Arguing or telling them anything never ever really helps. I think with halo reach they will have settings where you can search for games where people are there to win, have a good time and whatnot so that may help. I am in maryland and have friends all over the us i play with so even though we all speak english, accents are annoying, then you have terms only people playing the game know about. If they arent my friends, 90% of the time i mute them or ignore them, or go out of my way to argue with them. Politic arguments, fun stuff like that where no one wins.

Always fun to argue online, most kids know that they are safe and no one can stop them because it is online. We have learned that if you play mid-day here, we get all the loud noisy british kids that arent that great compared to midnight here where all the no life american gamers get on. Theres a reason why most games say online interactions not rated…

I play mainly 3 games and rack up decent game hours for them. cod4 is like 12 days, halo 3 like 15 days, codmw2 (joke of a game) like 5 days, but those are the only games i play during the entire year so its not that bad….


iMIm a pretty big PC gamer. You are right, the online gaming community is pretty insane. The anonymousness allows people to act like jackasses and get away with it for the most part, much like the rest of the internet. The “interent speak” s also a product of the anonymousness of the internet. This language makes sense if you grew up on it, however it is not really seen as being “cool”, more like just obnoxious and only used to taunt players or when friends are joking around. Using this type of langguage in real life is seen as overly geeky and wierd. You all must also remember that the way these people act is most likely NOT how the act in real life, because they would simply get their asses beat and they know it. So just remember to not take it too seriously yourself. Its the internet, not real life.

There was a Dr. Phil espisode (lame i know lol) a while ago about the “dangers” of online gaming or some such thing. There was one guest who came to the show to express his disgust and dismay at some kids who threatened to rape him and his family and used a bunch of racial slurs in the mix. What this man did not understand is that these threats are fairly common online and almost never come to fuition. I always wondered if this guy knew about the various “mute” and “block” features on nearly all online games. They a pretty simple, and will solve the problem just like that.

Another guest was a mother who said World of Warcraft was responsible for her sons obsession and eventual suicide. But lets face it. Very few people are truely “obsessed” with video games. If they are, its not the game’s fault, its the person’s fault for not knowing how to play in moderation. Even online, theres a certain stigma against people who spend every waking moment playing games. People who obsess over the games they play are usually taunted and made fun of over the chat systems. Some players are made fun for playing certain games such as World of Warcraft and Counter-strike because they are seen as games with communities of obnoxious children or extremely nerdy. So its not like everyone who plays these games are all the same obsessed hermits. Moderation is looked at as a good thing.

knarF;71289 wrote:
Never heard of a Facebook gamer, lol.

Well, I’m one of those. I can drop into an incredibly simple and pointless game for hours on end. When I play ‘real’ games (which is not very often) I play them for 8-12 hours at a time, only realizing I haven’t slept when the alarm goes off for work the next morning.

I am an addict.. I am not allowed to play games 😀

Chief D

XBox has “true skills matching” this means that all the n00bs are matched up.
You seem to be in servers where L33t join to pwn n00bs like you. You have to remember that WHEN you play is a factor. I am in the US, but I play in the afternoon. (GMT -6) this means my servers are handling lots of UK players playing at night. French players really annoy me for some reason. They chatter and no one understands ’em. The language and behavior can be a bit much at times. You can always turn off teh sound. i rarely ever even connect my mic. It keeps me from having to participate in the screaming, cursing, singing!
I suggest “friending” like players and then gaming together. Makes the whole thing better to have someone watching your back. Try Geezergamers.com. Its a website for adult, casual gamers. Lots of nice folks there that remember that its just a game, and gaming should be fun!

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