
    So I want this backpiece and I was wondering if anyone can help. Essentially, I want it to be a scene of the ocean during twilight hours with a beach but some land as well. On the land I want it to be a cliff or eroded earth sort of thing, and below the small cliff is the beach area. On the land I want a tree and some vegetation, with a white leopard (I know white leopards probably wouldnt be near the ocean lol…but the leopard is going to coincide with another tattoo I want) standing on the cliff looking out towards the ocean. The full moon I also want in the distance, Im not sure how big I want it..but I want the light of it to reflect off the sea. Maybe a shadowed whale in the distance or something. Most of the colours I want to be deep blues and greens, greys and blacks..but some highlights. Just enough highlight so it isnt a big dark mess. I want it to cover my entire back. Im not sure if thats it, Im open to any additions as you guys are way better at designing stuff than me lol..anyway if anyone can help please let me know 🙂 I cant actually draw this thing so its only a vague fuzzy picture in my head right now.


    That’s a very detailed sounding ink job. You’ll want it fairly big if you want it to look good. That almost back piece worthy. Some artists have problems portraying water the way you’ve described. I’d go to a water ink specialist to get the lighting that you’re wanting. And may I ask.. why the white leopard? That’s the only thing that sticks out and doesn’t match your scene.


    the white leopard is supposed to tie together the piece thats going to go down my left side, which will just be like a 3 inch or so wide line of black/white/blue leopard print. I want the back piece to coincide with it because theyre both pretty unrelated so something has to go together you know? The colours should match ok. I am not sure what you mean by water ink specialist. I didnt know those existed, you think there will be one in Toronto canada? lol..

    Plus, I really like white leopards lol

    like I said I want the piece to cover my entire back and possibly some of my butt if it needs the room.


    Who knows about the water specialist… You may have to travel. Do research and find out the artists in the area and what their specialties are. That’s how you pick your artist, by what they are really good at and do on a regular basis. You don’t want to go to an artist who generally does cartoon color if you want a gray and black portrait right? That’s how it is for anything.


    Help in what way? I would say from what you’ve said that getting the paw print and leopard would be the first installment and then work the background in around that.


    I dono. Its not paw prints. Like actual leopard print you know the circular print with the colour in the middle? I may axe the leopard in the backpiece idea, I just didnt want the leopard print to look weird next to the backpiece.


    I don’t think it will look weird having the print and then a back piece without a leopard. And I know what you mean… leopard print as in the spots on a leopard’s coat… Just take the leopard out of the back piece.

    If you want a leopard in your back piece to match the leopard print, you may want to rethink your back piece landscape… try a climate similar to the leopard’s homeland.


    ok. I do want something to be on the ledge though. What lives by the ocean? lol…maybe like a crow in the tree too. I dont want something stupidly cliche like a fairy person or anything..I want some sort of animal that actually you know..exists lol..any ideas?


    Take the spots off of a leopard and what do you get….?

    ding ding ding!

    ….A mountain lion, puma, panther, deer tiger, cougar, etc..etc.. there are about 50 billion names for this kind of ferral cat, but this will be the most fitting cat to portray in your back piece.


    I live by the ocean on a cliff and can be a bit of an animal:D maybe you don’t want me on your back though!!

    >ok put the sticks down, no need to chase me away I’m leaving, I don’t get the chance to be witty that often<



    Mountain lion or Scrubs, take your pick.


    oh right duh lol..I think perhaps I will protray the maine coast and have a maine coon cat on it or something.


    scrubs? lol


    I used to have one of those. That was my first pet. He was the shit. Big and black and white. He lived to be 18 years old.


    oh its a type of cat? interesting. i should look that up.

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