
    hi…i am looking for some views on an issue i am having with my workplace. every few months my company comes up with more ridiculous ways to make its employees more stepford-like and robotic.

    their newest policy is once again adding on to an existing tattoo policy.

    i already have to wear longsleeves to cover up a couple of tattoos on my arms. the company doesnt like that i have my tattoos, but as long as i can cover them up in accordance to the uniform policy, you can be employed. they now changed their policy to state that any persons looking for a position for employment with a visible tattoo will automatically be denied employment. they also added on to the new policy that existing employees with visible tattoos, must still cover them up in accordance to the uniform policy, however if an existing employee gets a “new” visible tattoo they can be immediately fired. I am not quite sure if I, who already has visible tattoos and covers them up with longsleeves, falls into that category.

    For views/opinions on this topic, if I already wear long sleeves for visible tattoos on my arms and I add on to my arms, could they fire me for putting a new tattoo on my arms? I mean they are already covered, so what would be their problem?


    Many tattooed people think that they are protected by their First Amendment rights to freedom of expression. Unfortunately, this is not true in the workplace.

    Corporations have every right to discriminate against “optional” appearance-related traits, and many large corporations ban long hair, beards and visible tattoos.


    Hi Peshy

    I have a similar issue with my workplace.

    What they mean is if you get a visible tattoo ie – neck, face, hands, wrist then they will fire you.

    Whether this is legal or not on grounds of discrimination is another issue but sadly from what I can see the employer seems to win out every time it is challenged.

    If you already have them which you keep covered then having another which you can keep covered will make no difference as it remains covered.

    My boss was moaning at me because I sadi I am getting a backpiece (need to book flexi time) and he immediately sent an email round saying that tattoos visible through shirts are not allowed.

    I said sure thing and just wear a t-shirt or vest underneath. I will not give them the satisfaction of seeing me argue.

    Anyhow that is my interpretation – what the eyes don’t see doesn’t bruide the heart and all that.

    Also it is good to remember – Managers are like nappies. Always round your arse and full of shit.

    Take Care


    You should go to whoever’s in charge and ask, they should be able to give you a straight answer. It would all depend on how lenient your workplace is, and whether or not your boss is a prick.


    While Joker’s right, your boss should be able to give you a straight answer (and can be used to cover your ass if they give you the wrong answer), I think Matthew’s answer is better:

    If they’re covered, they’ll never know.

    As for what their problem is, well dude man, I gotta reverse that direction: what is your problem?

    My friend, tattoos are not socially acceptable. More so than in the past, but not totally…and that’s the point. Face it, part of the mystic of tattoos is that you’re setting yourself apart from the rest of society. It’s a visible symbol that you’re part of the club, that you’re one of us, not one of them.

    And corporate America hates that. They need their employees to be as inoffensive as humanly possible because the bottom line is the bottom line. Some people get really bent out of shape when dealing with others with ink. That can drive customers away, or it can offend others in the office and cause an HR nightmare that will cost them money to sort out, because when someone claim something about you offends them due to their Christian sensabitities, HR will come down on you like a ton of bricks (from my own experience, it only works with Christians. Jews, Muslims, and what have you usually get told to get over it).

    But you should have known this man. Tattoos will cause you trouble in the real world if they’re visible. Everyone knows that. It’s annoying as hell, and it ain’t right, but it’s part of the price of being in the club.

    Love. Peace. Metallica.

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