
    would kill her if i do this so should i do it or should i wait and make mom happy? i am 39 years old now. but, what is a good one i can stand for the rest of my life. and will i feel i am sinning cause it goes agianst my family…but were should i put it and what kind? give me some advise of this problem.
    ok i changed my mind i dont want to be a tramp…..thanks……
    i feel i am a type of lady who may look dumb with a tattoo.


    Good grief! I agree with Kazz on this one – if you are that easily swayed then and especially by someone who makes a general comment that is not knowledgeable about tattoos being “tramp stamps” then you’re right – tattoos are not for you.
    I am 40, got my first one at 38. Age makes no difference – being a mom (I have a 14 year old) makes no difference.
    But if you are the type of personality that worries about what others think then a tattoo is not for you, if you are asking us on here what a good one would be that you could stand for the rest of your life, then tattoos are not for you.
    Once it’s on you, it’s on you, so while it’s too bad you were so easily swayed because I think it’s wonderful when older women get tattoos, you definitely should not get one.


    These are only questions you can answer for yourself – I cant tell you if you would fill like you were sinning or not.

    You are 39 now I’m sure your able to make a decision for yourself – whats to stop you getting a tattoo that your family are never likely to see eg. your breast or your hip or your thigh etc this way you get your wish to have a tattoo and you don’t hurt your loved ones.

    As for what.. again thats too hard to say – I don’t know you at all so I don’t know what your interests are and what means the most to you – if you are religious you could have a cross or some kind of religious symbol that means a lot to you.

    Good luck with your decision but this one is too hard to answer on the side of myself not knowing anything about you other than there is a bit of a rebellious side to you and it sounds like something you really want to do.

    EDIT: Wow your easily swayed maybe its not something you really want in which case I would say don’t do it as I’d say you will probably regret it – if one person saying Tramp Stamp is enough to convince you then I’d say its not for you after all.


    Remember that tatoos are called “Tramp Stamps” with good reason.


    its tattoo’s that are above your knicker line at the bottom of your back that are called ‘tramp stamps’….because young women get them there as they feel it looks sexy and may attract guys, as they generally wear low waisted jeans/trousers….not just any tattoo!
    have you thought about designing your own tattoo, out getting a religious one like a Celtic cross, somewhere that is easy to cover if you would be in the company of people who wouldn’t approve? or something that reflects your heritage?
    i used to do stuff for making my mum happy, only doing stuff she would approve of, but you cant make some people happy so do what would make you happy. its not a sin to get a tattoo, you 39 years old maybe this will help you gain confidence and independence?!


    Do What You Feel Confotable With, You Are The One Who Wil Answer To God ,so Make A Decision You Can Live With,dont Worry So Much About Others.


    Get a tattoo. My grandmother is completely against them and she is very religous. My brother has like 20 and she still loves him to death. Your mother would never disown you because you got a tattoo. Put it in a place that you can cover up. You wouldn’t be a tramp just because you got a tattoo!


    it’s your decision… geeee you are well old enough to choose if you can have some ink or not. i have christian friends and although they are liberal in some ways of thinking are really deeply involved in their faith and all and they have tattoos. but then it’s your choice!! good luck. as for the design, i don’t think we can help a lot.


    The answer to this is simple. If you are religious yourself, do not get a tattoo. If you are not, you are 39 years old for crying out loud and allowed to do what you like. Don’t let anyone dictate what you want to do.

    What you get it completely and utterly up to you.

    Just remember, the Christian religion totally forbids tattoos of any kind, so if you are a Christian, you cannot get one.

    But if you are not, you should do what you like, and ignore the fact your mother does not want you to have one.


    Well, pretty much as others have said. I’d be a bit worried if my family would judge me for getting a tattoo, and I’d try to look further within yourself to ask why they would, seems very shallow, especially from someone who is supposed to rise above skin deep visuals i.e. a preacher, sactimonious bullshit.
    Tattooed, pierced, scarred, black, white, yellow whatever, it is just something that keeps our bones and internal organs from falling out and has been around long before your religion. If you judge people from the outside I suggest you keep away from tattoos, it’s not something that folk with such narrow minds should be a part of. I’ve spent my life trying to ignore the steriotyping I get from certain folk who look at me and think I’m dodgy in some way because I decided to decorate my body.
    39? you really should be making these decisions for yourself!!:rolleyes:

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