
    I got my 3rd tattoo around 4 weeks ago at the top of my arm, it healed nicely like my others did, the only difference is i used bepantham (cant spell) instead of savalon. The thing is now it had flaking peeling skin on the tattoo and also it has come up wit a red spotty rash, some of which are just lumps, others have bits of puss in, have i had a reaction to the bepatham cream or is there something else wrong.


    Nah it’s alright, I use Bepanthen and have the exact same effect. Mine turn out fine, so I wouldn’t think it’s anything to worry about. Enjoy the itch 😉

    Re-reading your post, you got your tattoo four weeks ago? It doesn’t usually take my skin that long to have that reaction


    thats what i mean, my other 2 healed in couple weeks, this one is bigger and has alot more shading in it, i got told shading takes longer to heal, the rash is over the shading and not the tribal, the tribal has the flakey skin on it. The tattoo looks fine i.e. the blackness is the same as my other two, its just the rash that is concerning me.

    It is a lions head with tribal around it, http://agaricgreywolf.deviantart.com/art/tribal-lion-4-67774607, thts it, you can see the lions head is just full of shading.


    i have had to stop using Bepanthen , its far too greasy for me and is bringing me out in spots so i switched back to savlon :rolleyes:


    A fair bit of oil comes out of the tube when I squeeze bepanthen, so I’d guess that’s the cause of the pimples. I had lumps all over my shaded areas too man, but I never had red dots in areas that weren’t tattooed.


    i have stopped using the bepantham cream from monday and the rash/spots are actually disappearing now 😀 the thing is now the tattoo still has flakey skin on it over the tribal which is also raised, is this because it is now dry as i am not putting anycream on it at the min and just washing it free times aday with hot soapy water to get rid of the cream from the pores.


    Ok now my tattoo is starting to annoy me, as said before the tattoo healed fully and has since started with the rash and flakey skin. As for the rash this has now died down and can hardly be seen. the thing is i have dry skin over it like it is scabbng again, when i wash it with warm soapy water it now bleeds from the pours, it is also lumpy in the areas it is bleeding. I have put savalon on it aswel as diprobase cream for died skin (pharmacy told me to use this) cam anyone explain what could be cause this and how to stop it, or would it be a trip to the doctors. Cheers


    if this piece was done over four weeks ago then it should have healed up enough not to be using antiseptic creams…..
    i wouldnt place different types of creams on it at the same time. Try just wasking it and letting it dry out, dont rub it dry just pat it dry…. and use a none scented soap or something low scented like dove.

    what was the aftercare proceedure that your artist told you to do ??


    I took the tissue off after an hour and washed it with warm soappy water and then used bepanthem cream on it, i got the tattoo done at the same artist as before but i used bepanthem cream instead of savalon (used savalon on my other two) i showed the artist and he said that it is just dry and that i just need to moisturise it, i do this every day but no differnce, it is getting bit better now but i have noticed that it is bit swollen.



    You have an infection that is lingering in the skin because bepanthen which is good for many is not good for all.

    They way to look at is this – bepanthen is a barrier cream.

    This means that it will form a protective barrier over the skin to stop bacteria from getting in but will also trap any bacteria or dirt which is underneath the skin.

    Rubbing the skin means that you are irritating the damage tissue so the skin will swell up as more blood is pumped to the area and will try and force the infection out (pores leaking) if you have a barrier cream on this the air cannot get to it and the skin cannot breathe or shed the dead skin or pus.

    First of all as Outlaw has said no rubbing, scratching, poking, playing, the skin. No touching the area unless you have throughly washed yours hands in anti-bacterial soap first.

    Take some towels and boil them (it may shrink them so no faves) then after boiling them wash them in a non-biological detergent.

    Was the area twice a day in warm water with a scent free soap – pat the area.

    Dry off with a towel previously boiled and washed. Do not use the towel area on any other part of your body and try and make sure the towel used is fresh each day

    The next step is to buy some savlon and apply that 2-3 times a day this is going to sterilise the area a little so the skin will become dry. Use just enough for fingertips.

    After washing and applying the savlon let the area breathe.

    At least once a day apply a non-scented moisturiser for the first 3-4 days alongside the savlon.

    Then apply non-scented moisturiser 2-3 times a day.

    Grab some ice of wet a cloth and lay in freezer until frozen apply over the area for 15-20 mins to assist with swelling.

    I would also recommend some low level anti-imflammatories such as ibruprofen – but check with your doc for health risks. Also do not kae when area is bleeding.

    Then you will need plenty of green tea and other anti-oxidants and no alcohol – this will just put pressure on your body and increase infection.

    If after a few days the tattoo is no better then you def need antibiotics – which may not hurt anyway – really depends how you feel about meds.

    Oh and if you must mess with the whiteheads – do not squeeze them! This just drives pus back into the body – get a sterile needle. Heating them is not enough you have to boil them and soak in alcohol.

    Use the tip to puncture the head and then get a sterile cloth or tissue and press over and let it leak out – never touch them with bare hands. You will just create a breeding ground for sepsis.

    Take Care


    thanks mate, thats a noce detailed answer, i will follow that and let you no the outcome, thanks again 😀


    i have followed all of the above and still nothing, i have been to the doctors and they have given me some cream with a steriod in it which sort of helped but didn’t, by that i mean it went down slightly but is still there.

    So . . . . . . the tattoo healed then came up with the following.
    Red spotted rash ( this has now died down) but . . . . .

    Now the on the tribal of the tattoo there are spots on it which is making the tattoo look c**p, red raised bumps that can be seen through the tattoo. also the tattoo keeps scabbing over and peeling in the places where the spots are, this keeps happening.

    Can anyone help at all anymore, i went to the tattiost before and they said to keep moisturising it which i have been doin but still no effect. Should i just get them to go over it to see if it will cure the rash.


    hi mate
    just wondering how u went with this .. all healed up ok?


    Hiya mate, i ended up going to the doctors about it and had steriod creams and another cream which didn’t work so went back the tattoo shop, they looked at it and said it looks really dry and said that they want to go over it so i said may aswel, since then the has been no rash and it has healed perfectly. After it rehealed i showed them and they said they want to go over it again as some of the patched where there was heavy scabbing the first time look a little patchy.

    This hasn’t stopped me getting more tattoos as i got another week and a half ago so i currently have a really itchy arm, this one didnt scab over but just had peeling skin can anyone tell me why some scab but some don’t, and should the tattoo start itching after a week and carry on for a few days.

    Also i am using bepanthem on the new tattoo and it has healed perfectly so i doubt i had an allergic reaction to the cream last time and it was obviously a problem with the tattoo.

    On sunday it will be two weeks since i have had it i was just wandering how long i should leave it before i go swimming.

    Cheers and sorry about the questions lol.

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