

    i have a tips for you.
    It is vital that you follow the aftercare instructions below to ensure proper healing and complete satisfaction with your new tattoo.

    At least three times a day cleanse your tattoo thoroughly, using antibacterial soap, cool water and your clean hands only. DO NOT USE WASH CLOTHS. Do this more frequently if you get sweaty or dirty. Keep applying soap and rising until your down to squeaky clean skin.

    DO NOT SCRUBB YOUR TATTOO. Pat dry with a clean towel. Apply A&D or antibiotic Ointment. Cover with a sterile bandage and tape securely. Clothing will irritate a new tattoo. Be sure to keep it bandaged. It is not unusual for some color to show on bandages for a couple of days.

    If bandages stick to the tattoo soak it in cool water until the bandage lets go on its own. DO NOT PULL IT OFF. Next time use more A&D Ointment.

    As a tattoo heals, it may itch. DO NOT STRATCH OR PICK YOUR TATTOO. Once the tattoo flakes discontinue the ointment and bandages and use lotion. Do not expose your tattoo to the sun for at least 2 weeks and afterwards use a high factor sun block. If you use a tanning bed, cover your tattoo.

    DO NOT go swimming or hot-tubbing in fresh, salt or chlorinated water for 2 weeks. Avoid long steaming showers.


    Um…duh? And we already have a sticky thread covering this, and more?

    Love. Peace. Metallica.


    Was this just a plug for the link at the bottom?


    That was my feeling, yes. I think we’ve got ourselves another spammer.

    Love. Peace. Metallica.



    To be exact my studies showed that it is not 99% but actually 85% of problems caused by poor aftercare.

    The others were;

    Poor use of tattooing equipment.

    Poor use of ink mixture.

    Initial unsterile/unsanitary conditions in which the tattoo was done creating an infection during the process.

    A very small number of allergic reactions.

    However even the above was subjective as to the experiences of the sample group anyway.
    My advice is if you do have a product that you want to promote – then promote it.

    We do not bite but it can annoy some ppl if they read something and get the feeling it is just filler for an ad placement.

    Take Care


    Boo yay, take that you spammy ass mother fucker! You just got Matt-downed!

    Love. Peace. Metallica.


    I look after all my tattoos the same way and there are def. some where certain inks have not held – where as 90% of mine have lasted the test of time over the years.

    orange does not last in my skin

    Purple fades abit

    Most colors stay in well


    this has already all been covered in the sticky, as stated above. close thread time?

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