
    Hey guys, i just wanted to introduce me self, and i am also in need of some ideas for the dragon tattoo i have on my back, or where would be the best place to post about getting some design or idea advice about it. Thanks guys!


    Hey welcome to the forum. You should post a picture of your dragon tattoo so that we can brainstorm on it with ya.


    This is my tattoo, i dunno what i thought when i got it, but anyways, turns out i hate it, and i need to find a way for me to like it, i would if i could make it about something that i do. I do Metal work and paint and body, i was thinking maybe soem how turn the dragon metal? or make the tribal look like ripped metal on the edges? i dunno Give me some ideas!Sendtoartist.jpg


    I see nothing when I copy and paste that. You should get the html code and paste that. If you do metal things, biomech would be a wasy to go. Or like some shiny armor looking stuff. Maybe robotics. Wires. Gears. Hardware-ish stuff. I’d really need to see it though. But, like I said, no pic is showing up…


    fixed the pic


    Sweet thanks. Now that I see it….um, I’m really not sure. Its smaller than I imagined. I’m brainstorming though, i don’t think there’s enough room to do anything to it…but you might be able to add things around it.


    A good tattoo artist will take a look at your back piece and tell you what could feasibly be done to alter it in a visually appealing way. The more skilled the artist, the greater your options will be in number and design. =] Give it a shot! Talking to a local expert certainly couldn’t hurt anything. Best of luck.

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