

    This was first ever tattoo that I got done years ago but modifed it by adding salty tears now want them off or covered up but the studio wont touch it because its black.
    Surely something else could cover it but it all seems to interfer with the knot and where it is inch half above elbow joint doesnt help.
    Wish just had the knot no tears other then lasered dont no what else to do?
    Therees characters like in the pic could try but again the studio isnt keen.:confused:Various other things are trouble as well as in the knot has curvature, it is curved and hard to work around.
    Thought about a tribal twist to it even if it goes into the knot but that might
    just look shit.



    First of all I actually like the tattoo a lot – what is it you dislike about it?

    For a cover up you would likely need to go very big to get covered over the shape and prob need a few hits with a laser if you wanted something other than very dark pigments such as black or purple.

    It can be worked over but would need something huge to do it.

    I would suggest getting it reworked with some fine lattice knot-work around the edges or poss add some tribal at the bottom on eitherside that would cover the tears up.

    Personally I would reshade the tears with some more highlights of white maybe add a couple more and see if I could add a tribal or abstract eye within the tattoo from where the tears fall. This could be done so it looks like it is behind bars and imprisoned.

    Take Care


    hi , laser would be your best opinion because then you can pick and choose what to cover it with more.
    but im sure the right artist could cover that with a koi easily .

    check this out that someone i know did , http://www.flickr.com/photos/zokete/3398053079/
    she is an amazing artist who does brilliant cover ups . its just a shame she is in spain or i would get something done by her 😎

    gives you an idea though that anything is possible !!


    Thanks for the help regarding this.
    Guess what dont like about it is the fact the tears are very patchy now and it kind of doesnt look right all black work ie lettering another dragon one arm solid black then blue tears kind of doesnt blend in
    Like the idea about an abstact eye tribal eye but not sure if the artist can work within knot maybe lattice work is way to go thanks again.


    nomater how good the artist is, that is a very hard and near on impossible to cover without having laser treatment which is expensive…. i would reccommend like matthew has suggested about the lattice and reworking of the tears.

    or there is an option of having other pieced near it with only the top half showing, then have water flowing around them, and turn the tears into water flowing with it, as if they have all been dropped into a pond, you could even get something like a koi done in blues as if submerged under the surface to give a feeling of depth to the water

    it all depends on how much money you have to get the work done, the options will either be expensive laser removal, expensive adaptation and several hours of ink, or a short period for a rework of the shading and filling of the tears.

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