
Hello all!

So question for anyone who knows.. here’s the scenario

I am just finishing up a two year apprenticeship
and beginning the paperwork process for my full artist
license when low and behold, I discover I am pregnant!
Of course I am excited about a new baby but my first thought
was “oh shit, was all my hard work in vain?!”. I am terrified
that this pregnancy may result in me not being able to
Tattoo anymore for safety reasons or that it may be frowned
upon from potential clients. (Please don’t judge me for
this being my first thought, lol. Anyone who knows the trials
and dedication of a formal apprenticeship, and has genuine love
for this craft can appreciate my concern;)

I will take any and all opinions


As long as you didn’t go into labor while tattooing me, I wouldn’t care if you were pregnant.

Good luck, keep us posted.


More time to draw stuff.


You might be even more critical in screening clients in regards to health. I sure would not be afraid to be tattooed by my artist if she was pregnant. Having just acquired the skills and experience to put your art talent to use, I would hate to see you let them decay. Now, would a shop owner hire you knowing you are pregnant? I do believe they are not permitted to ask and you don’t have to tell. It is up to you about telling clients, but as I said – be much more diligent.

BTW, Pinterest has the BEST – PhotoShopped fake tattoos!


Shouldn’t be a problem. As a tattoo artist you should have all the vaccines you can anyways, and always go to the doctor if you poke your finger on a used needle etc anyways. If you also sterilize equipment just make sure to use a mask (should anyways, but who can be bothered… ๐Ÿ˜› ), and maybe not book full days in six months ๐Ÿ˜‰
When you advance just go with your body. If you need a day off, take one. if you can do a small tattoo one day, do it. If you wanna do drop-ins, go ahead.
I know several female artists who have worked well into their pregnancies with no problems. As long as you don’t work for an asshole you have the privilege of making your own schedule, so you should be fine.

And congrats on both the baby, and the finished apprenticeship!!!!

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