
    For example if someone has a japanese style half sleeve on one arm with a kio, dragon, or whatever is it acceptable to do something goth or dark on the other arm. Without taking into regard “Its your body so do what you want” approach I was curious about peoples opinions on this. I could see how 2 completely different style tattoos could look..off.


    First off I really do just have to say it. Itโ€™s your body, you do what you want with it. I personally have two different themes going on but then again mine kind of work. My left arm is more bright, life like while my right arm is a bit darker, more death related in ways. I donโ€™t see why there really has to be a theme with any tattoo personally even though some people prefer it. My other two tattoos have no real theme that coincide with my sleeves. As for one arm being Japanese style and the other being something more goth like, hell, why not? Me personally I donโ€™t think it would look off as long as you have the right artist to pull it off ๐Ÿ™‚


    I actually like it, I think I will try and go for many styles eventually ๐Ÿ™‚


    There are no rules… go for it.


    I’m going to have several different things. Some can be tied together, some not.
    I’m going to “regionalize”. Tropical setting South of upper thigh and East of genitals. Changing into bio-mechanical-organic as tattoo moves North around back slope and remains E.B.C. (East of Butt Crack). It then continues North to meet lobster on shoulder then turns South down arm into an aquarium setting. Meanwhile the planned velociraptor on the West side of back (W.B.C.) and is reaching upward toward the back lobster claw. (he can’t reach it because he is on the edge of a cliff that runs down D.C.B.C. (Dead Center of Butt Crack)
    That leaves unplanned West leg, and chest (excepting velociraptor tail reaching around from West back slope,and front lobster claw grabbing east nipple)


    Having one big theme for tattoo’s is dedicating to much space to one thing, i don’t have a theme and i love it.


    With all the amazing artists and styles out there, why would you limit yourself to only the first style that you committed to?

    Also, as time passes your tastes change and your tattoos will probably reflect that.

    Some people commit to a whole bodysuit in one style. Other people are a buffet of styles. (Or a landscape of styles – like Sam). Either way can be amazing.

    And thanks for the ‘regional map’ Sam. Great descriptions. Cracked me up. (The southern-most region of the cliff should be named TGD – The Great Divide.)


    @Call_me_Lola 127509 wrote:

    Cracked me up.

    Thanks for the T.G.D.

    (For all you mothers out there, Happy Mother’s Day!)


    On my left side I have a Tolkein based tattoo and a Hugo based tattoo beneath that… The first one is just black Tengwar from Bilbo’s poem about Aragorn. The one below it is a light pink rose referencing Les Miserables Ch IV, “A Rose in Misery.” Beneath the rose I’d like a Rilke reference on writing… Maybe something with tree roots, a heart with an ink pen piercing it, etc. I have to talk to the guy working on my big piece now before I start anything new.

    That said, my current piece isn’t connected to ANYTHING literary in nature and extends from my belly button to about 3 cm down my pubis, from hip bone to hip bone. It has Indian clematis (Thanks for the recommend, Sam, LOVE IT!!!), lotus flowers, and an Indian blue robin. Nothing literary, I just like Indian culture and it covers up a giant scar. I don’t feel like it’s a big deal that it doesn’t fit into a theme, but if it’s important to look “together” to you, have an open and honest conversation with your artist, and let them examine your other tattoos. I have a little Japanese style cherry blossom on my right though from my bikini and nudist days of years past; it took a lot of abuse, but with a little retouching and surrounding stuff, yeah, I’d like to tie in some additional Asian stuff on the right thigh and up to the other Asian part, India… If I really got all worked up about things matching up and wrapping around, I’d do some tribute to Xi you ji wrapping up the left hip and down the left thigh.

    So no, not overwhelmingly concerned. I have fine lines and script, traditional, Asian, heavy black lines, neo-classical Asian-influenced-something-something… But I think my body makes sense in its presentation. Still, I can’t imagine putting certain things on it. I can’t work it out in my brain. (Then again, my skin pigmentation, eye color, and natural hair don’t seem to make natural sense… How the hell does a person with black hair freckle in the sun?)

    I have difficulty imagining right now working in things I’d like to do, especially at this point in my career where I’m working not only directly with patients, but also sometimes expected to attend functions where a conservative cocktail dress is expected with no showing the tattoos. I’m trying to figure out in my head how to do a simple little Halloween themed tattoo. Right now it would just kind of be this senseless piece. Thankfully, there’s so much I want done, and my career IS evolving due to certifications and continuing education, which allows for greater freedom with my body. ๐Ÿ™‚



    A lot of good points have all ready been made and I concur. Definitely go for it! It will be stupendous!! Show off your creativity, imagination and vision in all its forms!! ๐Ÿ™‚


    @GrayCatLove 127616 wrote:

    My bikini and nudist days of years past.

    *sigh* In another time and another place…..


    @Sam-I-Am 127618 wrote:

    *sigh* In another time and another place…..

    You old dog! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    But yeah, making your tattoos all work together regardless of style is about space and how much needle you’re willing to endure.


    @GrayCatLove 127650 wrote:

    You old dog! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    But yeah, making your tattoos all work together regardless of style is about space and how much needle you’re willing to endure.


    I’m leaving my shin, foot and lower leg alone for a few months. heading North next week for about a four hour session.


    @Sam-I-Am 127659 wrote:


    I’m leaving my shin, foot and lower leg alone for a few months. heading North next week for about a four hour session.

    Well, if you ever drop down to KY/TN for Black 13 or one of those little tattoo hot spots, let me know. I’d love to meet you and your wife for lunch or dinner!


    There’s no accounting for taste. It’s your body and if you like it, don’t care.

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