
    So yesterday after hearing some good things about a tattoo shop near where I live I popped down with my idea that I had drawn out ( obviously a very bad drawing but better than nothing ) and a couple of actual tattoo pictures for an idea of what I wanted to turn out like.

    Basically wanting like a bio mechanical tattoo with the ripped skin around the edges, but inside instead of it being all mechanical I want a human arm muscle but it looking very weak and damaged instead of a healthy kind of muscle.

    On the drawing I drew, I had also put down quite a lot of notes so my idea would come out better than just the drawing.

    Now here’s the problem, I showed this to one of the guys working in the shop and basically told him what I wanted to have done and where and such which was okay. He looks at my drawing and the tattoos and told me it would be a 3 hour sitting. Next thing he tells me is that he needs a bunch more photo’s of other tattoos for something to copy ideas from. It wouldn’t have bothered me, but I already brought two with me for some imagination, gave him LOTS of details and notes on what I wanted in my tattoo and honestly, I couldn’t find any other images with the idea I wanted because its personal. Its not something people get a lot of, or I’d of found a lot more.

    I’ve really been put off this place, because from what I know/have seen a lot of artists go on what you want and take it from there and can draw it up with obviously some imagination from other tattoo’s they’ve done/seen but can still put it together for what you want.
    He told me to come back with a lot more images of what I wanted done before he could go anywhere with the idea.
    I’m pretty sure I shouldn’t go back there just from what he said and how he needs a lot more images just to even try and work my idea out, but do you guys think I should try and find some images and go back? Or should I go look at a different shop and ask about my design instead since they might be able to do it with what I already have?



    It really depends some artists like a lot of images so they can be 100% sure that what they draw is something that you will be happy with.

    Yours is an unusual piece and human anatomy can eb difficult to get right so the tattooist maybe being cautious.

    That said they they might be utter shite and cannot draw for toffee and just want to tarce the images you give them.

    The only way to be sure is to check their portfolio and check out other artists and find one you are most happy with.

    My Lion Of Juda took 7 photographs of lions – teh artist could have done it with less but as i figured the more I had the more he could see what i was really after.

    Take care


    I saw some of the work around the shop before I went up and asked about my design, but the thing is I brought in a tattoo picture with a muscle that I wanted to be drawn up, but obviously with it to just be unhealthy. And brought another one in with ripped edges for an idea on how it would come out on the edges.

    I know it would be helpful for images to be around and I basically got the most important idea the muscle picture, I guess I just don’t understand why he wouldn’t even try and draw it out for an idea really, but he could tell me how long it would take.


    tell them to fart in the wind budy, any artist worth their salt would take on board what you have just said and draw something up for you, maybee just a rough sketch to give you an idea of the final piece, then ask for a deposit before doing a decent piece for you which they will knock off the price of the tattoo when you get it done, that way if you dont go back then they have not lost anything by time wasting…

    im lucky upto now only one person has had something drawn up by me then gone elsewhere with my design to get it done, hence to say i told them to F*** *FF when they came back for something else.

    personally i would look for anther artist if i was you 😉


    Thanks for the advice , I thought it was a little crazy when he knew how long the sitting would be, yet wouldn’t even draw out a little rough idea from what I gave him without wanting more. I’m going to pop into another place tomorrow and see what they say.


    I think i would find an new artist otherwise you will be on here asking us all about cover up tattoo’s :confused:

    i would have thought a good artist would draw something up using medical books etc .


    Yeah I wouldn’t want to end up having to get a cover up done. He just looked at me like he’d never ever seen someone bring him a custom design in his life. Especially after reading up on their website and it stating that all of the artists can do them, and are also into the freehand as well.

    Have any of you ever gotten rejected because you didn’t have enough pictures for a custom design?


    when i went to see about getting my wings tattoo i just went in and showed the tattooist the style butterfly wings i liked the shape of .

    and with the tattoo im having next i just called in and explained to her what i was after and she came up with a design better than i could have wished for . 🙂

    I never yet heard of a tattooist needed more pics like that .
    has he just opened his shop ? recently locally to me a lot of shops are springing up everywhere and most only work off of flash .

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