
    Hey KH thanks for the kind words 😀

    That said would you trust the words of a man who claims to know the feeling of being towel slapped in the balls by a thousand gay men (or straight women for that matter) – it is still a freaky fetish!

    But damn you got me – yep my whole agenda was to secretly build a portfolio of ‘ruined lives’ – I just cannot help myself. (lmao)

    Now get back to those exams – if you fail you will end up like me! (Working for the govt).

    Take Care


    KH I just have one question. Why would you let 1000 Gay Guys anywhere near your balls? Need to share something with the group? 😉

    Ofcourse i will be posting pics. Plus i’m sure it will end up on Phil’s myspace page.

    Ya i’v read the itching can get pretty damn bad. I’ll just have grit my teeth and bare it. There is no way in hell i’m messing up this tattoo on purpose. lol


    Love the idea of the design you’re getting!

    My tattoo didn’t hurt at all. I got mine on my lower back. At most it was a slight irritating feeling, like a vibration.

    Best of luck!


    Glad someone gets the ideea. 🙂

    Judgeing my Phil’s other works there is gonna be a TON of shading involved. It should look fanflippin tastic.


    Sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner, the others took care of things anyway. I’m a lazy git when it comes to forums. I found in addition to the soda, that candy helps on top of that. Oh, and breathing. It sounds obvious, but I find myself holding my breath or breathing shallow because I think it makes me move too much. I just take a good deep breath now and again, since I keep automatically doing the above even though I know it isn’t causing any wiggling around.

    Oh Chance is right, the itching is bad. I have heard that wrapping an ice pack in a very clean towel and applying it helps, I’ll try it next time and see. I’d rather the tattooing part feel like getting sliced open and having rock salt rubbed vigorously in if the itching would not occur. Now I’m being a meanie, you have two things to look forward to now 🙂

    KH, after that comment I have to ask if you have videos of said ball-snapping-by-gay-men incident. I’ve seen some really bizarre things on the internet but that, I have not seen yet. I mean, I have heard of some pretty weird videos. I’m sick, but not that kind of sick, to admit to watching anything like that. Wait, I just admitted it. I’m going to bed..

    Oh yeah, another request for pics. Ummmm, of the tattoo when it is done that is 😉


    it depends on where youre having it done, but i really dont think its as bad as people make it out to be. the outline of my tat was by far the worst, but it eventually does go kind of numb. i found that talking with your artist while your being inked and thinking about how killer its gonna look after is the best way to keep your mind off of the pain. but if i had to explain exactly what it felt like, for a while at least, it was like having someone dig their fingernails into a really gnarly sunburn. then the day after it felt like i got hit in the arm with a baseball bat for a while.


    MMMM KH i think you need to let us in on your little secrets LMAO:D


    Izzy, you ever read H.P. Lovecraft? About those eldrich creatures from beyond what man was meant to know, whose coutenence is so strange, other worldly, and horrible that the merest glimpse of the smallest portion of them is enough to blast the sanity from your puny, mortal mind?

    Yeah, my secrets are like that.

    Love. Peace. Metallica.

    Marcus M6

    First of all i gotta say i love the feeling of getting a tattoo, 0 pain maybe a little bit of irritation at certain moments but other then that i could sit there all day and get my whole body done in one session

    KnightHawk;37132 wrote:
    Izzy, you ever read H.P. Lovecraft? About those eldrich creatures from beyond what man was meant to know, whose coutenence is so strange, other worldly, and horrible that the merest glimpse of the smallest portion of them is enough to blast the sanity from your puny, mortal mind?

    Yeah, my secrets are like that.

    Love. Peace. Metallica.

    So your saying that if we see the smallest bit of your pinky toe our heads will explode? 😮


    I have regular customers who work in a hospital…and this was a concern of theirs…but if its properly taken care of and not exposed to anything and doesn’t break open due to heavy handed skin raping scabbing (which I doubt will happen unless your body is a freak of nature or Phil is the Incredible Hulk) you’ll be alright. Just follow the aftercare method he gives you and you will be ok. just wash your hands a lot and dont touch the fresh piece…and I would recommend taking the first day or two off, especially if you are doing the whole piece in one sitting…but hey, thats just me.

    anti-bacterial soap rules.


    I’m jealous of this ‘goes numb after a while’ reaction. It felt quite nice for me to begin with, and pretty quickly got worse. Anyway, the pain is temporary, the pride is forever.


    The one on my arm- not to bad (First tat)
    Then the one on my back- Fine until it hit the left shoulder
    Then the one on the back of my elbow. Hurt like a banshee


    The most painful tattoo is the one you are getting at that moment 😉 Good luck.


    bit of a scratch that burns after a while

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