
    I’m looking for some input as to the cost and feasbility of replicating some scenery by this artist on my entire back. The artist’s name is Christian Riese Lassen. I really like his style. Check out the paintings called ” Beyond Hana’s Gate” and “Dawn of Light”. They’re under the section “the art” and then in the seascapes category. Obviously the paintings that are oriented as portraits work best naturally.


    Estimated cost?
    Probably need a copyright?
    Amount of time needed?

    Any artists out there with similar style?


    Cost depends where you are and how quick at that style the artist is, that is impossible to say. As for time, same applies.
    You will not find something like this out on the internet, you need to visit some artists in your area, checkout the look on his face when you produce the piece you want, you will read alot from his enthusiasm, or disinterest.

    I think the only input you will find online is someone havine a piece like this done and being satisfied with it, chances are they are on the other side of the world though so not really useful.

    Good luck


    scrub, thanks for the lil reality check haha. makes sense tho.

    I’d like to hear anyone’s opinion about the stlye of the artist. Just some thoughts. Positive or negative; it’s all good


    DAMN dude!

    The artists style is mad!

    And about the copyright.. i don’t know how’s that gonna be. The smartest thing is to contact the artist i think.. Maybe he gets mad enthusiastic and allows it without the copyright. I know i would be mad enthusiastic when somebody wants one of my paintings on his back! ๐Ÿ˜€


    @Kruk 27210 wrote:

    DAMN dude!

    The artists style is mad!

    And about the copyright.. i don’t know how’s that gonna be. The smartest thing is to contact the artist i think.. Maybe he gets mad enthusiastic and allows it without the copyright. I know i would be mad enthusiastic when somebody wants one of my paintings on his back! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Kruk, your message revived some enthusiasm in me again haha. This guy’s style is so cool that i cant even think of any good ways to describe it haha, seriously.

    I am a lil disappointed in the lack of response in this forum tho

    If you’re out there, lemme hear you!


    @oogster 27248 wrote:

    Kruk, your message revived some enthusiasm in me again haha. This guy’s style is so cool that i cant even think of any good ways to describe it haha, seriously.

    I am a lil disappointed in the lack of response in this forum tho

    If you’re out there, lemme hear you!

    Hear, Hear!

    I know… The forum is rather death….

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