
    Honestly, I can enjoy a good skull tat, but I don’t want to be another face in the crowd and I wouldn’t be the first within my group of friends to have the usual skull piece. I’m the video game nerd of the bunch and while enjoying a good game it hit me. Megaman 4’s Skullman:


    I really like this image I found and think it would be a great start on my right arm (my left arm is a tribute to my heritage in progress and my right is going to be purely aesthetic). I’ve been thinking of some effects to add to this and one idea was glow ink the skulls, but I’m educating myself on the ink and so far I’m not liking the radioactive part of it, but I’m still reading. As for position, I figure I’d start it up on the edge of my shoulder. Tell me what you guys think on position and additions you would make.


    First off, I freaking love Mega Man, and Skull Man was the single greatest concept for a Robot Master ever. Hell, his entire level was bone themed, and his bullet bills were skeletons!

    Sadly, this won’t work for shit as a tattoo. White doesn’t show through your skin very well, if at all. If you get him tattooed, even assuming that your artist didn’t make him look lame (which would be very easy to do as I don’t believe this image would transfer well from a compy screen to your skin), his coloration is going to be closer to Wood Man than Skull Man (assuming you’re a whitey like me–if you’re black or hispanic, even more so).

    As for the glow in the dark inks, a few months back I spoke about them with a number of tattoo artists. The general feeling was that they’re a bad idea. The FDA does not have to approve tattoo inks–they’re completely unregulated. Further more, they’ve only been around for a few years, so no one can say for sure they don’t have some sort of horrible long term effect on your body.

    In short, sorry dude man, but this idea, cool as it is, won’t work.

    Love. Peace. Metallica.


    thanks for the input man, I was afraid of the white and was thinking of talking with my artist about white inks, but I haven’t done a search on the topic yet.


    Hi Dan

    As KH states great idea but poor execution because of the white inks.

    I had white highlights in my wife’s portratit barely lasted 18 mths before it faded out.

    The white ink simply won’t hold for a full tattoo.

    That said I am glad KH has finally admitted he likes a good bonin’ 😀

    Take Care


    meh, it was worth a try, thanks guys.

    But if I were to gray the white areas? Not too gray that from a distance you see a dark figure, but enough that you dont get that full flesh tone. Now that I try to imagine it, it wouldn’t look as brilliant as pure white.

    Oh yeah, KnightHawk, your just as crazy over Megaman, yes? Maybe you could help again. Is that skull on Skullman’s helmet a symbol on all the bosses or is it just another skull to add onto Skullman, just incase you didn’t get he likes skulls? I’ve done a search and I remember in Megaman X most of the bosses wore a “W”.


    Not that it matters, but the W’s didn’t appear until late in the X series, long after we found out for certain that Dr. Wily built Zero, the Zero Virus, and in some weird convoluted way, Sigma.

    As for Skull Man, his actual sprite only had a single black dot on his forehead in Mega Man 4, and had an upside down triangle in his Wily Wars incarnation. But his concept art, and all of the fan art I was able to google up, shows a skull on his forehead.

    So basically, six of one, half a dozen of the other.

    And yes, I love a good boning. You offering Matthew?

    Love. Peace. Metallica.



    Always 😉



    might work if you have it done black and grey

    Butterfly_Kisses;37794 wrote:
    might work if you have it done black and grey

    Ive been thinking that too, gray enough that it eliminates the fleshy tone, but not too gray that its just a dark figure from 5 feet away

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