
    Some Rock/ Metal fans want to generalize that hip-hop is stupid and Rock/Metal is superior based on what they see on MTV. I mean does the rock that they play on MTV like Good Charlotte epitomize and represent all Rock for the last 25 years? No, and the commercial rap they play on MTV doesn’t epitomize and represent all hip-hop. So why the generalization?


    People only know of what they see. Some people believe that what they see on TV is true. This is the only experience they have with this type of music is from TV. So the best thing to do is think that it is all like that. These people aren’t exposed to other things.


    Psychologically, it is called the ingroup outgroup bias.
    People that are in a group (like a rock lover for instance) tend to see music that is inside their group as very diverse and music outside their group to all be the same. Since they aren’t exposed to hip-hop’s many styles, they go off what they see on MTV. Meanwhile if you say something about Good Charlotte they will scoff at you because they know it is not true. Think about it. White people may think that all Asian people look alike, but that white people each are diverse and differ in appearance, and vice versa for Asian people. But if you become exposed to Asian/white people or rock/rap music you will generalize less.

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