
    I have been seeing this off and on and it’s really bothering me

    NO ONE! NO ONE! should ever bash someone when asking a question about the tattoo trade!!

    what better place to get some questions answered than a place full of tattoo artist and such who have been in the trade for a while and have great answers to such questions (such as this forum)!! How the hell else are you going to learn unless you try!! I’m tired of artists thinking they know it all and are fricking God because they are tattoo artists. How the hell do artists learn?? you asked questions I’M SURE!!! no matter what your questions may have been about that’s how you learn the tattoo industry, by someone knowledgeable in the trade teaching it to you!

    I don’t like seeing these posts!! If you cant post a helpful answer and just wanna sit there and bash on members then don’t post OK. I can understand a bit of constructive criticism, because your keeping the good health of others in mind because tattooing is a serious procedure and shouldn’t be taken lightly, I get that. But don’t go off making decent people feel like their morons cause they asked a question.

    Keep in mind these questions are not being asked to you directly but if you can help your ANSWERS will be appreciated.

    There’s my rant for the day ๐Ÿ˜ก this is my constructive criticism and I think my point has been made quite clearly.

    Hunni Bunni

    i totally agree with all that was said above ^^^!!! how else can the next generation of tattooists learn if nobody is willing to help???

    it sucks, big time!!!


    so i basically finish off by saying, DONT BASH THE NEW GENERATION, PASS ON YOUR WISDOM AND HELP THEM, or you will have a world full of idiots tattooing people who havent learned a thing!!!

    it will end up leaving the wonderous world of tattooing with a really nasty image!!!


    KEZ ๐Ÿ˜€


    Thank you Kez!!

    Yeah what she said!!


    I third that I saw an instance earlier today and felt a little sad that the person took it upon themselves to try belittle the learner and everytnig Kez has said I totally agree with ๐Ÿ™‚


    yea i seen these posts and PMed the thread starters to assure them that they are more than welcome to ask all the questions they need to. I look at this forum not only as a place for people a like to connect but for those in need of guidance to ask the knowledgeable for advice. There are so many ppl here that have these answers that ppl seek and its a great source of knowledge.

    The owner of the forum is creating so much more to this forum to make it even a greater source for the experienced and inexperienced alike. If i could draw worth a damn i’d really love to get into an apprenticeship at one of my local studios but my skills in drawing are minimal so there for no need to try. I would like to work at the counter and make appointments and what not just to be in the shop and learn more about it so when and if ppl ask me i am just as knowledgeable. To do something part time would be a lot a fun… just helping out around the shop would satisfy me. ๐Ÿ˜€


    Thanks guys but i will close this thread. Good to know that some of you all out there feel the same about it.

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