
Hi, i’m new to this forum and I bring with me a bit of a problem…

A few weeks ago I got this tattoo done:


I have since, predictably, split up with my girlfriend and desperately need this covering up.

I have been to see 2 local artists to me… one was clueless as to what to do and the other suggested lasering as red is the hardest to cover up… that or something solid black like tribal.

I would prefer something with the Japanese theme, but I have a Moari tribal piece on my other arm so I was thinking maybe something of that nature to cover it if I couldn’t find something Japanese?

Does anybody have any doable ideas?

It appears I really have chose the wrong colour to remove on this one!



Okay dude, this is why we don’t get tattoos for significant others. I did it for my ex-wife, and it pretty much always ends like this. And frankly my man, you’re stuck in the same boat as I am–that mother fucker pretty much isn’t going anywhere unless you laser the fuck out of it, or get something big, blocky, and looks like crap to cover it.

In short, welcome to the dumbass club.

Just sayin.

Love. Peace. Metallica.


Tough break bud what a way to learn a leson!

Where abouts are you?

Red isnt hard to laser out if you have the right kit for the job.
If I can offer any advice regarding removal just ask me.


I have also been thinking… possible solid black lightening bolts going through the name?


I am getting the piece made into a full sleeve so it wont stand out as much.

I’m in Liverpool, UK mate… any advice on removal would greatly be appreciated because if I can’t come up with a viable cover up… that will be my only option!


My opinion is that a few sessions of laser and then cover whats left of the name with a Koi or simular and repair the waves etc in black and grey to match whats there.

Just my opinion but black over it will always look second rate. You have made one mistake please dont rush into another.


Any ideas how much getting something like this removed would cost me, and the time it would (possibly) take? It’s about 5″ wide and 1.5-2.5″ high?

If getting it lasered i’m looking at waiting months before I can get any new work… am I correct?

I was thinking of a koi for the back of my forearm to be honest, but it would work either way!

Apostle 228

laser removal aint cheep… ive never had any, but i have seen some prices and they get up there…


You are looking at about £100 per session. You would only need enough sessions to take out the solid bits.

We always work in conjection with the cover up artist to ensure that only the bare minimum gets lasered out to ensure cover up can be applied to its best advantage.

You could need as few as 2 sessions and as many as 5 or 6 to get to a point that your artist is happy to cover then you need to wait 4 to 6 months before new ink is put on.

I know it seems like a lot of time to wait and a lot of money but please stay focused on the speed mistakes can be made and the life time of pleasure a great tattoo can bring.



ironday;67626 wrote:
Hi, i’m new to this forum and I bring with me a bit of a problem…

A few weeks ago I got this tattoo done:


I have since, predictably, split up with my girlfriend and desperately need this covering up.

I have been to see 2 local artists to me… one was clueless as to what to do and the other suggested lasering as red is the hardest to cover up… that or something solid black like tribal.

I would prefer something with the Japanese theme, but I have a Moari tribal piece on my other arm so I was thinking maybe something of that nature to cover it if I couldn’t find something Japanese?

Does anybody have any doable ideas?

It appears I really have chose the wrong colour to remove on this one!


i’m thinking the more practical solution is to find another girl name Joanne? 😀

i’m kidding of course, i’m sure there are tons of experts here who should be able to help you… goodluck!

xanderx;67662 wrote:

i’m thinking the more practical solution is to find another girl name Joanne? 😀

i’m kidding of course, i’m sure there are tons of experts here who should be able to help you… goodluck!

That could be one heck of a pickup line at a bar, just walk around and say “is you name joanne because a fortun teller told me I was supposed to meet you tonight.” It would only work once in a while but it could be awesome!

Seriously, your screwed. I would get that shit lasered off and send Joanne the bill. Unless you just did this tat to surprise her, then, well, lesson learned.


if you got it lightened enough with laser treatment you could prob have a koi added and the waves re worked



The peeps are correct you need to lighten with a laser to get the best cover up possible.

You can go for a cover up without laser but the piece can look cramped and squashed. The key part is ppl here have no reason to build up false hopes because we are not making any money from it.

Some ppl will promise you anything to make some cash.

Your options are;

1. Live with it – but most women are uncomfortable with an ex-partner name on their partner.

2. Go for a cover up with no laser. This is risky because the area you need covering is limited by the clouds and waves. It is possible to cover but may end up looking like just that – a cover-up. If you do insist on going for a cover you want a damn fine artist and that won’t be cheap.

3. Go for laser lightening I would think you are looking at £500 or so. Yes seems a lot but otherwise you will be stuck with a problem tattoo for life.

You will be looking at between 4-8 months before you can have more ink – depending on the heal rate and sessions needed – max is usually around 5 may need 6 (or less if it fades out).

If you do lighten it you will be able to slap on a much better cover at the end of it.

Take Care


The amount of people who’ve said find someone called Joanne, Anne, or Joan is unreal lol.

If I was to go down the laser route… any suggestions to hide it in the meantime?

Jumpers are gonna be hard work with summer coming up!

I painted over it last night and it looked ok from afar but crappy up close, but I think that’s down to the angle I had to paint it on lol


Thanks for all the replies! I’ve sent the picture off to somebody who’s regarded as one of the better tattoo artists in my area… if he wont do anything with it, then I suppose lasering will be my only option! 🙁


All I can say is Bwahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahhahahahhahhhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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