

I have often seen swalows (?), black roses, black hearts and wings, both in tattoos, jewelry and on clothing, I have not to this day found what they mean, not on google, not on other forums, can you help?

Thank you! 🙂


That you’re so goth you shit bats.

Love. Peace. Metallica.


Hehe 😀

If you like another subculture question you can too aanswer what the point of safety-pins are… 😉


To be so punk rawk that you’ll never get a job.


Love. Peace. Metallica.


They mean whatever they mean to the owner. I have black roses, 3 of them. They do indulge my inner Goth – true enough – but in my case I was more after the symbiology of 3. What do black roses mean to YOU?


That love is a dead, dried flower spray painted with acrylic?

Love. Peace. Metallica.

KnightHawk;77997 wrote:
That love is a dead, dried flower spray painted with acrylic?

You are beautifully twisted in all the right ways. It’s simply poetic 😀


KH, you say the nicest things, you must be such a sweetheart in the real world!

vizzielover;78075 wrote:
KH, you say the nicest things, you must be such a sweetheart in the real world!

Don’t tell anyone, ok? I gots an image to maintain.

Love. Peace. Metallica.



The black rose is often associated with onset of death. The imagery was taken from the middle ages when plague took out 3/4 of Europe.

The debated argument/myth from this era was that some roses were such a dark red that they looked a black colour and were said to grow on the plague pits in which ppl were dumped. (The roses do exist but as to whether they were planted to scare ppl or if it is just verbal lore is another issue).

It was thought that the roses sucked up the blood and the bad ‘humours’ putrified their petals staining them with death and sin.

Certain satanists were said to use black petals as part of their rituals to the devil throwing them from the brain pan (cut open skull) of a strangled virgin onto the ground.

Personally I think the practice was utter bullshit thought up to scare ppl, as roses of this type were so damn rare they would be worth a fortune.

Some cultures consider a black rose as a symbol of rebirth after death.

That said it is just a flower and if you like them get it done – I personally do like them and I am not a goth 🙂

Hope that helps.

Take Care


Hey MsTibbs, you mentioned swallows there too, and I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that they were originally a way to signify that you’ve been in prison, though I’m sure that it’s not the most popular reason for getting them these days… :). Maybe somebody else here can say if that’s right though?


Swallows mean alot of different things, depending on the culture. In many places they represent good luck and a safe passage home as a swallow was one of the first things a returning sailor wood see on the way to land. I’ve heard in the UK that swallows on a street fighter means he has quick hands. In prisons, swallows are often a symbol of white supremacy. In russian prisons, they indicate a wish to be free.

In America though, they mean you’re a drunken co-ed who adores having it slammed home like a pack of sled dogs.

Love. Peace. Metallica.

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